Over the recent years, the cannabis (Cannabis Sativa) has been experiencing a renaissance. Raw materials based on cannabis are used in a great many products in the European Union markets and in the United States of America. However, trading in raw materials and products based on cannabis requires a quality control system to be provided by the producers, mainly due to the content of controlled substances. In accordance with the Act of 29 July 2005 on prevention of drug abuse and the Directives of the European Commission, it is required to determine the amount of delta-9 cannabinol and delta-9 cannabinol acid in dried cannabis. The legally permissible limit of the content for the amount of controlled substances is 0.2%. The legal provisions do not refer clearly to the limit of the content of controlled substances in products based on raw materials made of cannabis. Thus, the available interpretations of the Main Sanitary Inspectorate suggest the necessity of the total elimination of controlled substances to the levels below the ability of detection by analytical instruments, i.e. at least to 0.005%.
Laboratorium Analiz Chemicznych Spark-Lab Sp. z o.o. has implemented analytical methods that will allow you to maintain the high quality of your raw materials and products. Our comprehensive range of products includes the analysis of:
The Laboratory undertakes an analysis of samples with various analytical matrix such as: